the blog for Red Star Films (formerly Tashunka Baycroft Imaging)


Ever feel stuck?

Sometimes we creative types feel stuck.  “A block” they call it.  To be honest, I haven’t really felt like that in a long time.  The work I’ve been doing lately is so varied and I’ve been lucky enough to work really creative people… so I haven’t personally had that anxiety of feeling like I’ve lost my creativity.  HOWEVER, if that feeling should ever arise, I think I discovered the cure this weekend.

About midweek I realized I didn’t have any plans for the weekend.  Not only did I not have any plans… I didn’t really have anything to do.  I had some website updating I’d been neglecting… a bit of paperwork here and there… so that took care of Saturday.  Hmmm… what about Sunday?  I’d recently acquired some new equipment that I’m not 100% familiar with, so thought it would be good to play a bit.  I’d also been wanting to do something a bit more narrative.  I decided to hit up my good friend Frederic Robinson to see if he wanted to do some sort of colab without having a clue what that would be.  Frederic is my former business partner.  He’s a producer, director, shooter, editor and an actor amongst other things… but most importantly, he’s really passionate about it all.  He’s in love with creating so I knew we’d be able to come up with something.  I’ve directed Frederic in the past when he starred opposite Cory Monteith in “gone.” so I knew he’d do a great job.

Check out the trailer…


So, Sunday morning rolls around and we’ve basically got nothing in mind other than a location and a loose theme of “the morning after a night when something went horribly wrong”.  Once we saw how much it was raining, we nearly pulled the plug… but then we noticed there were some thinner patches here and there.  We’ve come this far, so let’s just see what happens!

shooting the breakdown scene

After turmoiling over the story and battling with the weather we wrapped shooting about 3 1/2 hours after we started and headed back to do the edit.  I had preselected a few tracks and when we sat down to listen to them we instantly knew that “Cloudlight” by Eskmo was the track we needed to use.  It was perfect!

I guess the point of me writing out a longer story instead of just posting the link is to say “get out there and create something”.  If you don’t have an idea, who cares.  If you don’t have the latest greatest gear, doesn’t matter.  If you’re not sure what you’re doing, stop making excuses.  Get your camera (or your paintbrush, or your pen, or your guitar…….) go out and find some inspiration, because the world is full of it and any “block” that you’re experiencing can only be fixed by doing.  Now go!!!!  Oh wait… watch the video first… THEN GO!!!

ps… if you click on the link you can watch it on vimeo.  Bigger & in HD!

MMA Profile – Nick “The Juggernaut” Hinchliffe

There is no doubt that the sport of MMA is here to stay.  It’s the fastest growing sport in the world and in the eyes of the fans, it’s the truest form of sport.  No equipment, no teammates to rely on… just straight up man vs man (or woman vs woman!) in a battle of body, mind and most of all… heart.  As I’ve said before, there’s nothing more that I love, then working with passionate people… and the people that I’ve met so far that are involved in this sport are definitely not short in that department!  I’ve been working closely with Jason Culley of Reign Full Contact and Jamie Locke of Tageisei Management Agency on developing profile videos for local mma fighters. I’m proud to be releasing my first ever MMA Fighter profile video, featuring Nanaimo’s own Nick Hinchliffe.

Nick is buy no means a new comer (record of 16-6 at the time of writing) and is getting ready to head back into the cage for a battle at the AFC4 fightnight coming up on November 6th in Victoria, BC.  Remember this name, because if you’re a fan of UFC I’m pretty sure you’ll be seeing him under the big lights in the not so distant future.

For best viewing, follow the link and make sure HD is on.


what’s new???

Well, certainly dropped the ball a bit on this whole blog thing. So, thought I’d try and jump back in and share some recent work.

Not a whole heck of alot has been going on lately.  I finished off another music video a while back.  Island based rap artist, Sirreal, hired me to direct a music video for his track “Blue Satellite” off his Self Centered album.  We gathered up some friends and lots of um… props… and shot this mostly over one day at a few different locations around Nanaimo.  Big thanks to everyone that helped bring it all together!


The shoot was a lot of fun… but more than that, I was actually really blown away at just how much this tribute performer looks and sounds like the real thing.  Check it out, good stuff!


More recently, I’ve made some changes in my equipment locker.  A friend of mine recently told me he was making the leap from Nikon to Canon and so it was a perfect opportunity for me to make a move I’d been considering…. I sold him my 5DmkII body and picked up a 7D.  “But Tash… that sounds like a step backwards”, you might be saying to yourself.  While it’s a decision I definitely struggled with a bit, there’s one major feature that the 5D is severely lacking (at least, according to my needs)… overcrank!  For the non-techies… it basically means the camera shoots at a much higher frame rate (60 frames per second) so when you conform that to 30 or 24 frames per second you get buttery smooth slow mo.  Uber important when a good chunk of your work is music videos!!!

So, now I’m learning what it’s like to be a 7D owner. The crop factor is a bit tough for me to work with because I tend to work on the wider end of focal lengths and the image quality is definitely not quite as crisp and clean as the 5D is, in my opinion.  Not something that most people would ever really notice, but when you shoot and edit as much as I do, it’s there.  Still an amazing camera that creates stunning still and video images.  Below are the first 2 test videos I shot with it.

music: “kettering” by The Antlers

music: “dakota” by Christopher Arruda


Aside from that, I’ve got some really great projects on the horizon:

~ a music video with Data Romance (Ajay & Amy) in a couple weeks (Ajay did the music for Lance’s video in my last post).  It’s all being shot in a studio in Vancouver … stoked!!!

~ A profile/bio video with another incredible photographer

~ corporate video with some animation

more music videos, more personal projects and hopefully I can get naked.jams back and track and start turning them out a bit more frequently.


Thanks for checking in!!!!!


Lance Sullivan Profile

I love when I get to release my latest productions.  After all the meetings and planning.  The shooting.  Editing.  Revisions.  Creating a video is typically a fairly long process and when you finally get that stamp of approval and get to share it with the world… it’s a very happy day, full of pride.  At least… that’s how I feel about my work.

When Lance Sullivan of Concept Photography approached me about doing a profile video for his website.  I was excited.  I’ve known Lance for years.  We may not hang out every day, but I would definitely consider him to be a good friend.  For a while, in fact, he was my boss… when I shot as an associate photographer for him.  So I knew that Lance would be willing to do things a bit differently.  Not only was willing, but in this case, he insisted.  He asked for a video that didn’t really have anything to do with photography, but was more about his personality, his character.  Something with lots of emotion, that could help to create more of a personal connection with his potential clients.  For Lance, this was the perfect approach.

So, we picked a few of his other passions in life to focus on… mountain biking, his harley and his daughter, Rylee.  We spent a couple evenings shooting those and then got together for the big interview.  What a hoot!!!!!  We decided to help keep things loose and limber we would get a close friend of his, Julie Madden to conduct the interview.  A few cold coronas, and about 45 minutes of video later, we were all wrapped up.

I had such a riot editing this.  I think I startled my girlfriend more than once as I erupted into bursts of laughter from beneath my headphones.  So, without further ado, here is the video.  Thanks to Lance for giving me so much creative license with this and letting me do my thang.

Lance’s Website:

Music is a custom track created by Ajay Bhattacharyya

“Together” Test Shots

So, thought I’d share a few photos I took earlier this week.   The few shots below are from a test shoot for my documentary called “Together: a documentary about live, love and the pursuit of happily ever after”.  I met Phyllis & Bob a few weeks ago when I was shooting some of the Broll for a music video.  I knew within a few minutes of meeting them, that there perfect for the doc.  I was really happy to hear that they were interested in the idea and willing to participate.

My plan has always been to publish a coffee table book of portraits of the couples that we interview.  It’s looking more like that coffee table book will no be in the form of an iPod/iPhone/iPad app and/or an interactive media site.  Time (and development funding) will tell on that front… but either way, photographs will be a part of the project.  I’ve always wanted to shoot these with medium format film too.  So I borrowed a camera from a friend and arranged a shoot.  I only had one roll of film (Kodak Portra 800), which is 12 frames.  And almost all of them are usable!  Not bad after not having shot film for almost 10 years.

Thanks again to Phyllis & Bob.  And Ryan for helping to set things up.

Phyllis & Bob, enjoying their 56th year of marriage

Bob in the midst of his workshop

Phyllis and her preserves

I looooove this fuzzy felt wallpaper

A candid shot with Bob as we were anxiously watching the final inning of the Jays game

“Will to Survive” Video

It’s official… the video has been released.  I blogged about it last week, so I won’t be too wordy here, but the video is now public.  A good friend of mine, Jesse Bone (website) came along to take some behind-the-scene stills and I’ve posted up some of my faves.

The video is down at the bottom of the post.

The group gathered to figure out the plan.

Susan and Sheryl getting setup

Megan hanging out with some of the kids before things get going.

Megan McNeil taking in the action while shooting some stuff out in front of the studio.

Some of the kids choir

Catching my breath between takes

Megan and the choir in mid-take

Giving the slider a good work out

My favourite shot from Jesse's series

Garth Richardson doing his thing

Another great shot from the artistic eyeball of Jesse Bone

And now… without any further ado… Here’s the video!

A new twist to Wedding Videos

Just as with photography the world of wedding videography is a very crowded industry.  Companies are continually trying to make their mark and stand out in the crowd.  While I haven’t fully made the leap back into wedding videos it’s something I’ve been contemplating for next season but I wanted to do something a bit different.  What I’ve come up with is a very unique and personal product.  A video FOR your wedding, not OF your wedding.  Yes, most companies these days are offering some form of “same day edit” product.  A music montage that’s edited throughout the day and screened at your reception.  What I’ve come up with is much more creative.  Much more personal.  Something you’ll covet for years.

It’s called “Our Story: an original film about you” and it is just that.  A fully produced short film (10-15 minutes) that tells the backstory about how you and your fiance arrived at the wedding day.

How does it work? It all starts off with a big long meeting.  You and your fiance sit down with me and a writer.  We drink some wine (or whatever libation you prefer).  We talk.  Alot.  And we walk away with a very good idea of who you are, as individuals and as a couple.  Then the fun begins.  Like any good Hollywood movie, we embellish.  “Based on a true story” definitely applies.  We create a script (usually based on a previously chosen genre) and assemble a cracker-jack team and launch into production.  I’m not one to toot my own horn alot, but in the past I’v e found some pretty good success as a short film producer/director/editor including several awards at festivals.  One of which was sent to the short film market in Cannes.  As for the leading lad & lady… it can be you, if you think you can pull it off, or we’ll hire actors.  Whatever it takes to create the best possible product we can.

I’ll admit, it’s not for everyone.  Due to the level of production and costs involved, there will be a fairly sizeable investment.  If you are looking for something very unique and engaging to create for your wedding, this is a great product.  Stay tuned for more info coming to my website.



The Will to Survive

Today I’d thought I’d share a bit about a project I am in the midst of finishing.  If everything goes right the music video for Megan McNeil’s song “Will to Surive” will be released next week, which I am proud to say that I’m Director/Camera Op/Editor of.

Megan has been battling Cancer for a few years and wrote this song as a way to inspire children and adults (but mostly children!) to stay strong and fight as hard as they can.  I could wax poetic about Megan and her goals and dreams, but instead I’m going to let her say it in her own words (taken from the  facebook page):

My name is Megan McNeil. I wrote a song to raise awareness regarding childhood cancer.

At the age of 16 I was diagnosed with a rare form of cancer called Adrenalcortical Carcinoma (basically, you could say I won the crappy lottery). Unfortunately at 19, my battle still continues.

I want to give proceeds from the release of my song back to all the people that have helped keep me fighting for almost four years now.

The song is being sent to radio stations across Canada in hopes of being added for September’s “Childhood Cancer Awareness Month” to raise funds for both The James Fund and BC Childhood Cancer Parents Association.

How can you help? Spread the word! I hope you hear it in your car soon. I’ll post stations that play it, so you’ll know who to listen to and their request lines.

My original goal with this song was to brighten just one patients day by listening to it… Hopefully, now that one patient will be many.

I was more than willing to lend my services to this cause when I was invited on board by Megan’s manager, Cathleen.  Megan is surrounded by a really great team of people that are busting their butts to try and get the word out and make as big a difference as possible.  Radio tracking is already in motion and her story is getting attention from some pretty major media.

September is Childhood Cancer Awareness Month.  Spread the word to your family and friends.  Everybody’s lives have been affected by cancer in someway. Please help support Megan  and, in turn, the charities she’s supporting by purchasing the track on iTunes.



The incredible photography of Bryan Adams

Everyone knows the he likes to cut like a knife and how much Bryan loves the summer of ’69…. but did you know that Bryan is an amazingly talented photographer? You do now!  I remember reading about his photography years ago when he had just completed a couple books of portraits of woman (“American Women” and “Made in Canada“)with proceeds going to support the fight against breast cancer.  I accidentally  stumbled across his site today while I was on a band management site and when I took a look at some of his latest work I was blown away.  His technical abilities and art has come along way in the last few years.  Really impressed.  Below I’ve pasted in some of my faves, starting with one of my favourite actors, Sir Ben Kingsley.  I’ll also throw in a link to his site down at the bottom of the page.




I’m very excited to be announcing this new project that I’m finally getting the ball rolling on.  I say “new” but it’s not really.  It’s an idea that’s been rolling around inside my brain for years now.  Originally it started as a concept for a coffee table book but since motion work has eclipsed my photography over the last couple years, I decided to rework things a bit and make it a documentary.  Now it’s come almost first circle and I’m thinking… “Why not do both!!”.  Right.  Like I’m not busy enough as it is.  That is the plan though… to release a book of portraits with the DVD in the sleeve.  But first off, I’m hoping to solidify a broadcast agreement and get it out to the masses.

“together” is a light look at what it takes to make long-term relationships work in today’s world.  How do people do it?  What makes so many relationships fail?  Is there some familiar thread that helps couples makes it over the bumps and bruises??? Or is it just pure luck?!?!

We want to hear stories first hand, from the couples that have solved the mysteries of life-long companionship.  So the plan is to hit the road and talk to a bunch of couples that have been married for a minimum of 50 years.  Listen to their stories.  Try to gleam whatever morsels of wisdom that they may posses.

Right now we’re in pre-production mode.  I’ve started to assemble a great team around me and I’m really excited about the future of this project.  The immediate plan is to talk to a few couples locally (Vancouver Island and the Lower Mainland) and put together a teaser trailer to try and dig up some funding.

Do you know any couples that have celebrated a “Golden Anniversary“?  I’d love to hear from you if you do.  Go to the Contact page and fire me a note and we’ll go from there.

